2012 in Summary

This is long overdue! I started preping this post at the end of Dec and now here we are heading into the end of Feb nearly! Oops!

Anyway… 2012 in summary:


Not a lot. Nothing actually, but who the hell has money to do anything in January right?


2nd – Rammstein Concert


3rd/4th – We went up to Manchester to visit my old friend Geoff and meet his lovely wife Sue & daughter Sasha. We stayed overnight and had a great time catching up. It had literally been about 6 years since seeing each other.

9th – Astrid came up from London to visit us and we decided to Go Ape!

23rd – It was my wonderful Mother’s 60th Birthday. It sucks so bad being so far away from her at special times like this 🙁


1st – Visited Steve & Bergitte

28th/29th – Move from Peter James Court to Carisbrooke Drive
After growing sick of the shitty floral wallpaper we finally moved out of  our flat in Peter James Court, and into a 2 bedroom house.


4th – My Uncle George passed away. He was my Dad’s twin brother (not identical).

5th – We attended Geoff & Sue’s Wedding. It was a magical day and it was also fantastic to see my friend Christine and her family too. In fact prior to this year the last tiem I’d seen Christine or Geoff was at Christine’s wedding in 2006!

30th – We went to watch the Olympic flame come through Stafford and had the opportunity to hold one of the official torches at work.


2nd – We visited our mate Gibbo & Debs in Northampton. We had a so called cheese and wine evening which also entailed drinking loads of Turkish Tiger, playing shot battleships (Deb & I completely did not cheat!) and getting completely hammered.  Good times.


2nd – I went to see one of my favourite bands of all time play in concert. Garbage! I still fucking love them and they once again didn’t disappoint live. It’s the 3rd time I’ve seen them and they still rock it so hard. <3

8th – Myself, Pete and a few of our colleagues did a 5 Mile Run to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust & Heart Line. It was hard work but we did it and managed to raise a brilliant £823.50!!

22nd – My laptop died & I replaced with an HP. A blessing in disguise really as this on is so much better!


5th – For Pete’s Birthday I treated us to a Segway Safari at Go Ape! They are SO much fun. If I was rich I’d definitely buy one.

11th – We attended my cousin Amy’s marriage to Dean. Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera and didn’t take a single photo! Afterwards Becky and I experienced a thrilling night out in the exotic Rugeley (ticked that box, not dying to do it again)

25th – Sadly one of Pete’s old school friends and someone he travelled though Europe with after high school, Lloyd Edy, lost his battle with Cancer. Only 31 🙁


6 Sep – 4 Oct – We were in South Africa for 4 glorious weeks! The first 2 were almost entirely spent finalising all the details for out wedding, then a brief honeymoon& then a bit of time to relax and enjoy ourselves with our families & friends.

15th Sep – Our best friends, Julian & Belinda (who were out Maid of Honour & Best Man) went to town on arrangements for our Hen & Stag Nights. Words cannot express how much fun and awesomeness was had. We are indebted for LIFE!

22nd – Our Wedding Day – Seriously the BEST day of my life. The help and support we had from family and friends was just incredible. We couldn’t ask for better people in our lives and they really made the day the success it was. The amount of work my Mum alone put in was just priceless and I can’t thank her enough for everything she did. The same goes for my Dad & Julian & Belinda, they all worked so hard on the details. Also the financial input from my parents & Pete’s parents was so generous, we can’t thank everyone enough.

23-27 Sept – Pete’s folks treated us to a few nights away at Thanda Private Game Reserve for our honeymoon. It was absolutely stunning and I didn’t want to leave. I seriously nearly welled up saying goodbye to the wonderful staff. I definitely want to go back there again. One of the best game reserves I have visited in South Africa.
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27th – We saw Kevin Bloody Wilson on his last ever tour. So hilarious!
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3rd – Another night staying over at friends. This time at my old colleague Gazz’s. Wow did we drink a lot of wine! I felt so sick the following morning and had to keep lying down while I was getting dressed. lol!

21st – Sue & Geoff came down to see us and bought us a lovely wedding gift and treated us to a lovely lunch. Little Sasha has grown to much in such a short time, and also has the cutest teddy ever! (Pete ended up buying me one in London)
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31st – Another gig. Marilyn Manson & Rob Zombie – Twins of Evil Tour. Manson was a bit disappointing. He didn’t look like he could be bothered, however Zombie was fantastic!
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15th – We visited J&B in London,  on their stop off on their way to Denmark. So awesome to have cuddles and as always, so hard to say goodbye.
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21st – Just before going to South Africa Pete landed a new job within the company but based in Milton Keynes. So I managed to get a transfer of my job there to so in December we were packing up out things again and moved to MK!
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So by date that was 2012 in summary. However there were other notable things that weren’t date specific.

iPhone photography

It was the year of Fat Mum Slim‘s Photo a Day Challenge on Instagram. I think I missed about 3 days in January but didn’t miss a single photo for the rest of the year. And it’s continuing on in 2013.
I also bought myself an olloclip and is the best iPhone accessory ever!

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I Sold my iPad and bought iPod Classic.

I read 15 books! The most I’ve managed in years, and not all slim ones either. Highlights were the Steve Jobs biography, Into the Wild & the Fifty Shades trilogy.

My nail varnish collection expanded considerably…

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I also made more of an effort in creativity journaling & Scrapbooking.

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All in all, it was a wonderful year!!