Bullet Journal, an Update

If there was ever one thing I should blog about regularly it’s Bullet Journalling. I’ve been using Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journaling system for a year and half now (I blogged about it when I first started) and it is the only system I’ve adopted that fits my needs so perfectly. It’s flexible and adaptable and […]

Bullet Journal Kickstarter Notebook

Back in September I backed the Kickstarter for the Bullet Journal Notebook, and this week my Limited Edition Notebook finally arrived. I couldn’t be happier with this item and am so glad I backed this project. Ryder Carroll collaborated with Leuchtturm1917 to create a beautiful notebook specifically designed to use as a bullet journal. I’m currently […]

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal

Someone shared this awesome video by Clark Danger on the Bullet Journal Google+ Community and I LOVE IT! I’m seriously inspired by this guys approach to journal keeping and it reminds me a bit of the Commonplace Book. I might need to try this out.