Gym, book in the bath.

Went to the gym today for the first time in quite a while. Gave it a really good session and can feel it in my shoulders now from the shoulder press. My arms are really weak!! Then came home and had a lovely long bath which I dropped my book in 🙁 It wasn’t too […]

Aunty Sandra, Slimming, Evernote

Aunty Sandra is still hanging in there, just a slow progressive deterioration. Connie at work commented that I am looking slimmer these days. Just the boost I needed as I’ve eaten more junk this week than I should have. It’s nice to know the hard work to loose weight is paying off, but I still […]


In the past month people have started to notice I’ve lost weight. Yaaay! It really makes me feel so good and encourages me to keep at it. Gym tonight again. 🙂


I’ve been unhappy with the weight I’ve gained over the past few years and over the last 6 months or so I’ve been working to do something about it. I started by joining My Fitness Pal and started counting my calorie intake. I know this can seem really complicated to most people but this site […]